Calling all future Clinical Haematologists!

Scarce skills area

It is a great privilege to announce that the BMS foundation has decided to endow SACHaS with a large educational grant, specifically aimed at enhancing the training of Clinical Haematology fellows in South Africa.

The first phase of funding utilization will aim to support the training of 1 additional fellow at each of the 5 main Clinical Haematology training units (UCT, US, UFS, UKZN, WITS). We hope to allocate these posts as soon as possible, latest July 2022.

We therefore urge all Specialist Physicians and Haematopathologists who are interested in becoming Clinical Haematologists, to contact us without delay. We will require an updated copy of your CV, as well as a personal letter of motivation to support your application.

We are looking forward to hearing from you soon!

Yours sincerely,
Dr Hannes Koornhof
President: SACHaS

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HHT Patient Story

My name is Lesley-Ann Green. I am 57 years old and a proud Capetonian who has travelled and lived overseas…

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