Uploading Meeting Recording to YouTube

  1. To sign into the BLOODSA YouTube channel, navigate to your own YouTube and then click on your profile / Initials, then select Switch account, then select BLOODSA.
  1. When you see the BLOODSA blood drop in the right corner you are in.
  1. To upload a video, click on the video camera with the + sign in the right corner and then Upload video.
  1. The following screen will pop-up. Select Upload Files
  1. For any meeting recordings, the recording can be found in the following path.

/BLOODSA Dropbox/BLOODSA Administrator/Zoom/ Applicable meeting recording

In the event that there are more than one recording, the file with the chat file is usually the correct file. Otherwise, look which file is the largest in size. One would be much larger than the other.

  1. For Mac :
    Before selecting the file, right click on the video or click with 2 fingers on the video and select the option to “Make available offline”.

For Windows :
 Download video from Dropbox then upload it onto YouTube

  1. When a small green check mark appear next to the video, you can select it and select Open.
  1. The following screen will pop-up. Change the Title to Year month day Title of meeting.

Example: 2023 09 18 Value Based Healthcare Consideration for Expensive Medications / Rare Diseases

  1. Scroll down to the Thumbnail section. You will have to take a screenshot of the first slide of the meeting.

For Deep Dive – /Monday Haem Deep Dive/Intro slides/

Then select the applicable presentation and screenshot the first slide

For BMT Classroom – BLOODSA Dropbox/BLOODSA Foundation NPC/Operations/Educational platforms/BMT Classroom/BMT Branding /

Then select the presentation with name BMT Classroom frontpage thumbnail. Change the date and title of the presentation before taking a screenshot.

  1. Click on the upload thumbnail and select your screenshot picture.
  1. Select on the Playlists select the applicable playlist and select the No it is not made for kids option and then click NEXT.
  1. Click NEXT again
  1. Click NEXT again
  1. Select the Unlisted option and then SAVE (this allows us to link it to the website but the video can not be found on YouTube openly)
  1. The following screen will show – click CLOSE
  1. The video uploaded will indicate that it is Processing. Once Processing is finished, we can edit the video and cut off Idle Time pieces.
  1. Once Processing is done – Click on the name of the video
  1. Click on the Editor on the left hand side and then on Trim and cut
  1. Drag the blue banners to cut the video in the desired timeframe
  1. Once done – click SAVE
  1. Your screen will turn grey like the screenshot below until the video rendering is done.
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