About Us
BLOODSA is a comprehensive collaborative Haematology platform.
Research & Registries
Grow a collaborative 'research' platform that will create and promote new understanding of all aspects of haematological diseases, relevant to the needs of Africa.
Quality Management
Through collaboration, establish and maintain a comprehensive ‘quality management framework’ that fosters excellence in haematology patient care as well as educate and train health care workers on quality management principles in haematology, especially stem cell transplantation (HSCT).
Education & Training
Provide a platform to empower haematology healthcare professionals through comprehensive education and training, unlocking a wealth of knowledge, to enhance patient care and improve outcomes.
Patient Support & Best Care
Build a collaborative platform from which to respond to the needs of haematology patients and their carers to improve their quality of life.
Our Value Proposition
Defining and pursuing clearer objectives
Training to make planning operations more realistic
Optimizing the allocation of resources
Improving the quality
of deliverables
Managing strategic alignment of projects post implementation
Securing a healthier population throughout Africa
Board of Directors
Strategy deployment, day-to-day operations of BLOODSA
performance standards.
BLOODSA Identity
To establish BLOODSA as a national and internationally acknowledged vehicle advancing quality of care, education and research in Haematology throughout Africa.
Through our growing collaborative network, continuously support stakeholders to set standards and improve pathways, protocols and platforms in Haematology.
- Pathways includes patient journey, diagnosis, treatment, clinical, etc.
- Protocols includes operational, clinical and other SOPs
- Platforms includes educational, training workshops, research, implementation science, registries, quality management, automated business processes, etc.
Quality (ownership, best in class, accountability, integrity, relationships)
Holistic (unified, inclusive, equal access)
Accessible (time, knowledge, resources, best practices)
Equality (access to opportunities for patients and partners)
Measurable Outcomes
To ensure that BLOODSA fulfils its purpose and pursues its vision in an exemplary manner and in accordance with its beliefs and the highest standards of ethical conduct, the Board of Directors has adopted a Code of Conduct. This Code is applicable to all members, directors, officers and employees as well as individuals employed by BLOODSA who provide services to the Foundation on a routine and compensated basis.
Click here for our code of conduct.
BLOODSA Services
Our services are available to participating Consortium Partners in both public and private sectors.
BLOODSA implement Grant Management and Administration on the behalf of the consortium partners:
✓ Building relationships with funders
✓ Ensuring compliance with the conditions of award
✓ Keeping funding institutions informed of the status of funding initiatives
✓ Ensuring increased ROI for both funders and Grant recipients.